Class: KineticMass

KineticMass(position, velocity, acceleration, mass, color)

new KineticMass(position, velocity, acceleration, mass, color)

Makes a little ball that can move and adheres to proper kinematics.
Name Type Description
position p5.Vector A vector object describing the balls acceleration.
velocity p5.Vector A vector object describing the ball's velocity.
acceleration p5.Vector A vector object describing the ball's acceleration.
mass number A scalar quantity indicating the mass.
color color The color of the ball.
Name Type Description
limit number This sets the limit for the maximum speed. (default: 10000)
tail bool Displays a tail of little dots that trail behind the KineticMass as it moves.
outline color The color of the KineticMass object.
tailLength number The number of tailbits following the KineticMass object. (note: 70 is a good number)
tailFill color The tail color.
tailStroke color Thickness of the tail stroke.
tailSpacing number How many frames to skip before leaving a tailbit.
function setup() {
 //make a position vector
 pos = createVector(width/2,height/2)
 // make a velocity vector (5 px/fr in x, 2 px/fr in y)
 vel = createVector(5,2);
 // no acceleration
 accel = createVector(0,0);
 // create the ball. Give it a mass of 10, and let's make it red.
 ball = new KineticMass(pos,vel,accl,10,'red');

function draw(){
 // update the ball's parameters
 //display changes
function setup() {
 //make a position vector
 pos = createVector(width/2,height/2)
 // make a velocity vector (5 px/fr in x, 2 px/fr in y)
 vel = createVector(5,2);
 // no acceleration
 accel = createVector(0,0);
 // create the ball. Give it a mass of 10, and let's make it red.
 ball = new KineticMass(pos,vel,accl,10,'red');

function draw(){
 // update the ball's parameters
 //display changes