* Creates a Spring object. Consists of a spring with a block attached to the end.
* @constructor Spring
* @param {p5.Vector} position The origin of the Spring.
* @param {number} k Spring coefficient.
* @param {number} m Mass of the block attached to the spring.
* @param {number} lengthOfSpring Length of the Spring in px.
* @param {number} oscAmp Amplitude of the oscillation.
* @param {number} mu Coefficient of friction.
* @property {number} boxSize Length of the sides of the box attached to spring.
* @property {number} lengthOfSpring The current length of the spring in pixels.
* @property {number} noOfCoils The number of coils. Decorative. Odd numbers work best. (default: 11)
* @property {number} transAmp Transverse amplitude. Decorative. (default: 15)
* @property {number} tZero The start time in milliseconds.
* @property {number} t Time. (default: 0)
* @property {bool} playing Controls the state of the simulation.
* @property {number} xCent x-coord for the center of the spring.
* @property {number} yCent y-coord for the center of the spring.
* @property {radian} rotation Angle of orientation. Use 0 for a horizontal spring, and PI/2 for a vertical one.
* @property {number} oscamp The oscillation amplitude as a fraction of the lengthOfSpring. A value of 0.2 is recommended as it will be 1/5 the length of the spring.
* @property {number} freq Calculates the frequency based on the spring constant k and the mass of the block m.
* @property {p5.Vector} equilibrium The equilibrium point.
* @property {p5.Vector} displacement The magnitude of displacement.
* @property {p5.Vector} velocity The velocity.
* @property {p5.Vector} acceleration The acceleration.
* @property Spring.update() {method} Updates the Spring object.
* @property Spring.display() {method} Displays the Spring object.
function Spring(pos_, k_, m_, lengthOfSpring_, oscAmp_,mu_) {
boxsize = 70;
//no of coils (purely decorative, odd numbers work better)
this.noOfCoils = 11;
//how long is the equilibrium length of the spring, in px
this.lengthOfSpring = lengthOfSpring_;
//the transverse amplitude (also purely decorative)
this.transAmp = 15;
//time variables
this.tzero = millis();
this.time = 0;
this.play = true;
//get the starting position of the spring.
this.xcent = pos_.x;
this.ycent = pos_.y;
//how do we want it? horizontal (theta = 0), vertical? (theta = PI/2)
this.rotation = 0;
//how big should the oscillation amplitude be? (as a fraction of the lengthOfSpring. i.e 0.5 means it will have an Amplitude equal to half the length of the spring, which is kinda long. 0.2 works good)
this.oscAmp = oscAmp_;
//calculate the frequency based on the spring constant k and the mass of the block m
//The second term in the sqrt accounts for the change in freq due to mu
this.freq = sqrt(k_/m_- sq(mu_)/(4*sq(m_)));
//friction coeff
this.mu = mu_;
this.m = m_;
this.k = k_;
//some kinematics values
//where is equilibrium?
this.equilibrium = createVector(this.lengthOfSpring, 0);
//where is the mass?
this.displacement = createVector(0, 0);
//what is its velocity
this.velocity = createVector(0, 0);
//and its acceleration?
this.acceleration = createVector(0, 0);
//Function used to toggle animation
this.setPlay = function(play_) {
this.update = function() {
//Keep track of time
if (this.play){
//Animation is running so we update time
this.time = millis()/1000-this.tzero;
else {
//Animation pause "hold" time still
this.tzero = millis()/1000-this.time;
this.display = function() {
//Calculate argument for sin and amplitude
var theta = this.time * this.freq;
var amp = this.oscAmp * exp((-1*this.mu*this.time)/(2*this.m));
//Draw the mass at the end
translate(this.xcent, this.ycent);
rect(this.lengthOfSpring - (boxsize / 2) + (this.lengthOfSpring - 60) * amp * sin(theta), -(boxsize / 2), boxsize, boxsize);
//Draw the spring
//cosmetic start
curveVertex(-1, 0);
curveVertex(0, 0);
curveVertex(5, 0);
curveVertex(20, 0);
curveVertex(25, 0);
//this part makes the coil
for (var i = 0; i < this.lengthOfSpring - 60; i++) {
curveVertex(30 + (i * (1 + amp * sin(theta))), -this.transAmp * sin(2 * PI * this.noOfCoils * i / this.lengthOfSpring));
//cosmetic end
curveVertex(30 + (i * (1 + amp * sin(theta))) + 5, 0);
curveVertex(30 + (i * (1 + amp * sin(theta))) + 20, 0);
curveVertex(30 + (i * (1 + amp * sin(theta))) + 25, 0);
curveVertex(30 + (i * (1 + amp * sin(theta))) + 30, 0);
curveVertex(30 + (i * (1 + amp * sin((theta)))) + 31, 0);
//update the kinematic variables
this.displacement.x = this.equilibrium.x + ((this.lengthOfSpring-60) * amp * sin(theta));
//TODO: Multiply Velocity and acceleration vals by actual Amplitude for final result
this.velocity.x = sqrt(this.k/this.m) * amp * cos(theta);
this.acceleration.x = -this.k/this.m * (amp * sin(theta));